Tagged: booty call

Supertron booty call…

So I’m working late, I took a break, and drew these guys.


I think I miss drawing them. It’d be fun to do something with them when I get the rights back sometime late next year. It might even be 2015, not sure.

Hey, let me ask a hypothetical question, and I stress HYPOTHETICAL, but humour me: If Supertron was ever to see print, would you want to read it in a regular comic book format, or would it be better in the landscape layout?

Because I’m torn. It started as the former, then conformed to the latter, but what should it be in print? By all logic I guess I should lay it out in a vinyl sized circle only to be read on turn tables and microwave plates, reading only made possible by mechanically aided spinning. Who knows? And really with my day job/freelance commitments who cares?

Either way, hell or high water, an artist should finish everything they start. Even if it sucks. And while Supertron didn’t suck TOO badly, I should make the time to finish them off and put them to bed. Lest they become my “coulda been, never was.”

Man I’m bummed the Kings lost tonight.
